"Death is what keeps people alive", I told Angie.
To commemorate on my life of 27 years,
I thought of touching on a taboo topic of life and death
Rather controversial to talk about it on one's birthday
And even more controversial to go a cemetery on that day.
Kranji War Memorial
Place where brave souls laid to rest
Sanctuary where life were honourably lived and remembered.
Most people in current society subscribed to the notion of chasing egocentric idealism
Accumulating wealth, success and progress
in a bid
to achieve happiness.
But the above sentence is not really a mathematical formula,
where Wealth + Success + Progress = Happiness
Happiness is a state of mind
And Ultimately,
A Choice
Life and Death
The space between Life and Death seems further apart
Thanks to technological advances in medicine and also higher quality of basic human needs
At the same time,
the void of empathic emotions also widens
Take a Break
I like self reflections,
constantly reminding where I am along this life journey
and what other steps I need to take to fufill my dreams of exploration
Angie asked me why death is what keeps us alive,
I explained that it is the realisation that we, one day, will leave this earth
and our existence is a mere transient one,
But its also due to this very simple fact,
that we live ourself to the fullest
making the existence a worthwhile one.
What are you living for?