Thursday, May 31, 2012

First Road Trip for the Guys, Destination Malacca Part 1

16-17 July 2011
After 15 long years of friendship, the 4 guys finally goes on a short 2D1N road trip.
Made possible by Win's then recent resignation.

So the Trip started 6am in the morning where we started driving through in my car to Malacca. During the 4 hour drive were non-stop laughing, chatting and bitching about Joe's iPad GPS
 that keep asking us to make a right turn on the expressway.

The "100 metres turn right" GPS iPad

We were a bit too early to check in and decided to take a walk in the mall opposite our Hotel. Lol, 4 guys in a shopping mall, been ages since we done that.

Then, we were up for some sinful snack, A&W's root beer float and curly fries

We did a geeky/nerdy thing by playing Monopoly in A&W on Joel's 100metres turn right.

After a game or two, we wanted to explore the old relics nearby.
Win trying to be taller than the 2 towers for once.
PS: Joe is wearing my hat :(

Dashing through the lines
We've reached St Paul's Church, after climbing up a little knoll.
FYI: That's not Saint Paul, its Saint Francis Xavier.
The right forearm got knocked off by a fallen Casuarina tree

I'm a sucker for these kinda buildings

Extra Cool Carvings of Typography.
I can't even write like this, let alone carve it..

Apparently the roof got destroyed.
It was used as a fort due to its high location

Tablets in Portuguese I think..

Weathered Bricks

As we were walking around the vicinity,
we chanced upon this lovely cute sight

Remnants of Fortification

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