It was supposed to be a nice great weekend...
Something unfortunate happened...
Went over to Evan's place for a great overnight mahjong session, had loads of fun and laughter followed by picking up my brother at airport.
Nice Bak Kut Teh breakfast at

The chinese tea has a really sweet aftertaste, never had anything like that before

After reaching home, my brother borrowed my car to deliver some gifts. And I went to sleep.
At 9.23am, my brother smsed me to tell me that he bumped to the car into the rear of a SBS bus...
Haiz.. After my inspection, Bonnet bent, some fluid leaking(hopefully, the radiator is fine). The workshop ain't open today and I can only report on monday. Might need a new coat of paint, my NCD, need to fix license plate (that means breaking the seal = $$$) Too upset to type more stuff. Only lucky thing is he is unhurt, but lots of sia kang to do after that.

Damaged front.

Broken X marred with the blood of SBS bus..