Thursday, May 31, 2012

First Road Trip for the Guys, Destination Malacca Part 1

16-17 July 2011
After 15 long years of friendship, the 4 guys finally goes on a short 2D1N road trip.
Made possible by Win's then recent resignation.

So the Trip started 6am in the morning where we started driving through in my car to Malacca. During the 4 hour drive were non-stop laughing, chatting and bitching about Joe's iPad GPS
 that keep asking us to make a right turn on the expressway.

The "100 metres turn right" GPS iPad

We were a bit too early to check in and decided to take a walk in the mall opposite our Hotel. Lol, 4 guys in a shopping mall, been ages since we done that.

Then, we were up for some sinful snack, A&W's root beer float and curly fries

We did a geeky/nerdy thing by playing Monopoly in A&W on Joel's 100metres turn right.

After a game or two, we wanted to explore the old relics nearby.
Win trying to be taller than the 2 towers for once.
PS: Joe is wearing my hat :(

Dashing through the lines
We've reached St Paul's Church, after climbing up a little knoll.
FYI: That's not Saint Paul, its Saint Francis Xavier.
The right forearm got knocked off by a fallen Casuarina tree

I'm a sucker for these kinda buildings

Extra Cool Carvings of Typography.
I can't even write like this, let alone carve it..

Apparently the roof got destroyed.
It was used as a fort due to its high location

Tablets in Portuguese I think..

Weathered Bricks

As we were walking around the vicinity,
we chanced upon this lovely cute sight

Remnants of Fortification

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Foodie Pics from Hatched

Hatched @ Evan's Road, 19 Aug 11
Pretty decent, a tad too crowded though.

Groovy Night at TAB

PSP invited me for her dance performance at TAB on 23rd April 2011.
Rather interesting to see professional pole dancers showcasing their skills and talent.
But sadly, I was seated to far away to get a decent shot, a pity..

That's Kimmy, Pole Dance champion from Down Under, I think..

That's Claudia

That's my PSP, it was a great perfomance.
Pretty impressive as I was watching it for the first time! Proud of you!

PSP and her Fiance, Daniel
(I'll be their ROM photographer :P)

 In the Midst of Glamour

The Groovy Girls


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Graduation Finally

Since I stopped in Feb 2011, I guess I better continue from there!

So I finally went through my graduation ceremony for
University of London, BSc Business (2nd Class Honours)
It was a gruelling 3 years, having to juggle between work, school and life...

But then again, I made it through.

My Mom and I
Did her proud by being her first son with a degree.
PS: I look damn bloated, must be the alcohol I had the night before...

One of my classmates, Teo

Poon! Thanks for all those crappy moments!

Major Screw Up... They read my name wrongly, in fact, they read someone else's name instead. Stansfield College admin staff/emcees are screwups from start of my course RIGHT till the graduation ceremony...

So anyway, instead of spending a few hundreds,
asking professional photography to take a few boring dead looking pictures,
I decided to book my own studio and take my own!

This pic kinda symbolise my days working full time and studying part time.

My almost full family portrait, short of my elder brother whose in Beijing

Mom and Sister

Adam started fooling around..

And I returned the favour of course..

Sister started to act cute

Mom holding the mortar board for the first time!

Mom and Adam,
He should be graduating soon, so I guess second round is coming soon

My dearest lil sister and I

The goofy brothers..

The 2 youngest of the family

Then I switched to a dark background,
Trying grasp a different feel that I wanted to capture 
Diam Diam lah...

I do like this pic quite a bit haha.

Hmm, not so impressive

Turn up the lighting and more pics!

Toss it up!

Plays music.. *Woa Mng Tin, woa mng tin~~~*

Well it was my first studio photography experience and I must say, that's much to learn
Especially with all the lightings and background an all..

On the overall, it was really fun, because the photography is not done by anyone else
and there are also a hell lot of candid pics that I did not upload.
Beats those dead boring photos taken in traditional studios, would recommend it to everyone!

And its also very comforting to see my family so happy together..
Waiting for you Ianton!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

458 days and counting...

458 days... since I updated this blog...

Seems that this one year plus just flew right by and I'm afraid that if I don't keep track of the ongoings in my life, it might just slip right by. And precious memories I hold will get swept under the carpet with the ongoings of my world.

Time to start!

But... from where?