After the visit to Tonle Sap, I went over to West Baray, (Baray = Reservoir) a man made water body that was constructed a thousand years ago. Now its a popular hangout site for the locals.

West Baray

First Lunch - Roasted Chicken, though it doesn't really look like it.
I will not suggest people who are afraid of insects to eat like that. I was constantly irritated by flies, ants and mosquitoes.

The one in white is Hong, someone who aspires to be a Hip Hop DJ, only 19 yrs old and the one in black is Channra, my driver, aspires to be a businessman and wants to study university.

Shelters were constructed along the shoreline with mats lined up and hammock strung across.

Monk in deep thoughts at West Baray
Headed to Phnom Bakheng for the Sunset. (Phnom = Hill)

We had to scale the mountain to reach the temple for sunset. As I was travelling light, I walked pretty fast and Channra could not catch up. I had to slow down for him. He was surprised at my speed, and I told him guys in Singapore go though army, so this is nothing.

Mountain Temple, Phnom Bakheng
There are various history associated with each temple, but I don't wanna clutter my blog with words..

First of the many Carvings to come

Some parts were still under reconstruction

Standing still for a 1000 years

Long awaited moment

Times of Dusk
1 comment:
I love this gave a cozy and warm feeling...
Teddy Bear
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